Prof. Sax Interview after Accident in Tempe Caused by Autonomous Driven Car

Prof. Sax was interviewed by the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung about "Automated driving brings safety"

The original press release was published on the Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung/Nr.67. The text was written in German, text is also available in English at the end of the text.

Die RNZ sprach mit Prof. Sax über Chancen und Risiken des autonomen Fahrens. Auch nach dem Unfall in Tempe, bleibt es bei der Eröffnung der Teststrecke Autonomes Fahren in Karlsruhe am 5. Mai. Prof. Sax ist Program Director des Masterstudiengangs "Mobility Systems Engineering & Management" und koordiniert u. a. den Aufbau des Testfelds in Karlsruhe. Er ist überzeugt davon, dass autonomes Fahren einen großen Beitrag zur Verkehrssicherheit liefern werde, auch wenn man vom komplett fahrerlosen Verkehr „noch unglaublich weit entfernt“ sei.


Excerpt in English

Signing of the Third Funding Agreement of the Hector Foundation II

Translation: Anna Brotzer

The RNZ interviewed Professor Sax about the opportunities and risks of autonomous driving. Even after the accident in Tempe, it remains at the opening of the test track Autonomous Driving in Karlsruhe on May, 5 2018. Prof. Sax is the Program Director of the Master Program "Mobility Systems Engineering & Management" and coordinates the development of the test field in Karlsruhe. He is convinced that autonomous driving will make a major contribution to road safety, even if we are "incredibly far away" from completely driverless traffic.