“Pursue the Topic of my Master Thesis Further”
What type of PhD did you choose?
PhD as University Assistance.
Why did you decide for a PhD?
I wanted to pursue the topic of my master thesis further and was always interested in hydrogen technology.
What is the topic of your thesis and which University?
Solar water splitting for renewable hydrogen production.
What is the goal of your thesis, what do you want to find out?
An efficient and clean way to produce hydrogen by using sunlight to split water.
Why did you choose this topic and the University?
EPFL in Switzerland is known for their expertise in the field and I had the chance to interact with the professor who assured the facilities they have can help achieve the goal of my thesis.
What is your function at the institute?
In addition to doing research I have to assist the professor with teaching and lectures as well giving practical demonstrations.
What challenges did you face?
The workload can be intense as PhD dive very deep into a specific area. It is time consuming and you’ve to dedicate at least 4 years, being patient for so long can be tough.
What is the advice you can give to others who are thinking of pursuing a PhD?
Have a clear idea what you want to do and do not depend solely on the supervisor to define the purpose of your thesis.

"I liked the possibility of not just learning theoretical, but combining studying with working. That is what really counts." Sangram Savant, Doctoral researcher at the EPFL and M. Sc. in Energy Engineering and Management
Hear what Sangram has to say
The energy transition is associated with many challenges which require special skills and knowledge. Energy Engineering and Management covers all these aspects providing the skills to successfully face the evolving working environment.
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