Alumni Meetings & Events
The HECTOR School Alumni Meetings always consist of diverse program items: Interesting company visits are combined with leisure time activities. Thereby, participants do not only have the chance to gain valuable insights in different companies and to discuss industry topics, but also to establish and expand their network of contacts.

The Alumni Stammtische are the perfect occassion, to extend and cultivate your professional network and find friends. We meet in different cities and sometimes combine the Stammtisch with a further event such as a company visit. For Alumni & HECTOR School participants only!
Meet us at a Stammtisch
On a regular basis the HECTOR School presents it's Alumni Meeting in cooperation with one of our industry partners and HECTOR Alumni worldwide.
Get insight in the events
Fireside chats, company visits, and executive talks offer a fantastic chance to get in contact with well-known industry representatives and high-level researchers.
Find them here