E-mobility, renewable energies, global production with Industry 4.0 components, and the digitalization of processes – companies and employees are being challenged to participate in shaping change.
Customized Qualifications for Companies – that’s what we offer to design continuing education for your employees in the spirit of lifelong learning, together with your input. The latest academic content about new technologies is communicated in a practically oriented manner, meaning that it can be implemented directly within your company.
Advantages of Customized Qualifications for Companies
- Sustainably support your company’s transformation with continuing education
- Focus exclusively on topics that are relevant to you and your department
- Targeted continuing education guarantees a high degree of planning security and a direct transfer of the newly gained knowledge into your company
- Counteract the shortage of skilled workers and open up new future prospects and career opportunities for your long-term employees
Experienced employees know their professions inside out and are heavily involved the projects of everyday business – but they still need to keep up to date with the latest technological topics. With more than 15 years of experience with continuing education in the field of engineering, we rely on adult-oriented pedagogy that forges associations between knowledge of the applications of new technology and the everyday professional lives of our participants. Carefully guided, practically oriented discussions encourage participants to engage more intensively with the content, already laying the groundwork to transfer this newly acquired knowledge back into their companies.
Continuing education consists of a combination of theoretical and practical elements that are studied in blocks. High planning security is considered fundamental for all participants, ensuring that the challenges of continuing education remain structurally compatible with a demanding professional environment.
- Methodology: Small group sizes and an intensive exchange with lecturers on specific technical topics, together with a classification of these topics into wider contexts to ensure high acceptance and learning success.
- Group size: Ideally 15-20 people.
- Teaching and learning hours: All day on the premises of the HECTOR School and the KIT. Teaching can also be arranged at your own locations.
- Refreshments: Catering (coffee breaks & lunch) is provided during events
- Accommodation: Can be arranged on campus, or alternatively at hotels within walking distance of the center of Karlsruhe
- Team building: New teams grow together. If there is sufficient interest, team-building events can be hosted in the evening.
Basis (2 to 3 weeks): A selected group of engineers will be trained in current scientific know-how on new technologies.
Specialization (1 to 2 weeks): About 70% of the employees completing the basis module will get further insights to implement the transformation process. The selected employees can choose out of a defined variety of specialization modules
Experts (Master’s Program): The top 10% of the employees completing the specialization modules will gain additional knowledge in engineering and management topics to lead the transformation process in the company. Depending on the company’s demands, the employee will be qualified through a M. Sc. in Energy, Mobility, or Digitalization.
Best experiences from Rolls-Royce Power Systems
As part of their Pioneer project, the Rolls-Royce Power Systems division is organizing continuing education for around 100 engineers with the support of the HECTOR School of Technology & Management to meet the rising demand for electric propulsion systems.
„The qualified colleagues are all very contented and dedicate themselves with great enthusiasm and motivation to their mostly new tasks. The imparting of the professional knowledge at the HECTOR School as well as the perfect organization took a major part in this. We also appreciate very much the constant and open exchange with the team“
Dr. Philippe Gorse, Director Fuel Cell Technologies at mtu solutions, who developed the Pioneer Program together with the HECTOR School.
Find more on the Industry Collaborations Page Rolls-Royce Power Systems.
Take advantage of the project framework as a blueprint for your company
Find success with your internal change processes more quickly with the interdisciplinary qualification opportunities offered by the HECTOR School. Get in touch with us to talk about the possibility of customized qualifications for your company, with no commitment!

Martina Waldner (she/her)
Senior Program Consultant
info ∂does-not-exist.hectorschool com
+49 721-608-48075
"You can customize your HECTOR School experience to best approach the dynamic challenges you and your company will encounter. Diversify your qualification profile through interdisciplinary content modules and access to the expertise of multiple institutes. Combine the KIT’s strength in research and technology with the HECTOR School’s aptitude for compiling the latest results in innovation and future technology to apply directly to challenges faced in your workplace."
Nico Jaeckel, Head of Sales and Marketing HECTOR School

Your demands are our standards.
Expert support for executives to create the best possible technology change in their companies.
Pioneer new technologies and bring employees along for the ride!
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Customize your learning experience through selectable modules.
Through two week modules, participants acquire the latest knowledge in 38 topics from Energy, Mobility, Finance, Information Systems up to Production and Operations Management.
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The world of employment is becoming more dynamic and complex. Businesses need to react to events more and more quickly. Find compact continuing education formats designed for professionals in the HECTOR School Academy.
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