
ID New Year Workshop: Setting and achieving new goals efficiently- Stop procrastinating and take control of your projects

Tuesday, 04 January 2022, 17:00-20:30
Online through ZOOM

Do you love to set up plans, make new year’s resolutions but don't manage to put them into a long term practice? Does your to do list grow day by day and the progress of your resolution stagnates? In this short workshop you will learn how to turn your wish list into realistic projects, with defined milestones and a concrete action plan You will also learn which methods you can use to define goals strategically, how to create a realistic time schedule and how to deal with setbacks, disruptions and "time thieves" You will learn how to organize yourself efficiently, recognize true resources and obstacles and fight procrastination You will be able to do your daily work in a more focused way, without losing sight of your yearly goals and projects Make 2022 the best year ever and join our ambitious group.

The event is open to all members of the five schools at the International Department and is free of charge

Please bring a beverage and some snacks with you.

Costs/ Payment
Erika Magyarosi
Maryrose Kelkis
Marketing Manager
Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photonics (KSOP)
Schloßplatz 19
76131 Karlsruhe
Tel: +49 (0)721 608 47880
Fax: +49 (0)721 608 47882
Mail: info-KSOP does-not-exist.idschools kit edu